CERC GNA Regulations

These regulations have been framed by the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission to facilitate non-discriminatory open access to licensees or generating companies or consumers for use of inter-State transmission system through General Network Access (GNA). The regulations have been notified on 7th June 2022. The ‘Detailed Procedure for Connectivity and GNA’ under Regulation 39.1 has been approved by CERC on 14th October, 2022. First amendment of the same has been notified on 6th April, 2023. CERC has issued various orders to remove the difficulties in giving effect to certain provisions of GNA regulations, which can be found here. The viz related to the GNA can be seen <a href="/sub_modules/Policy/GNA">here</a>.

CERC Connectivity and GNA regulations, 2022

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Resolution by
Notification No. and date
No. L-1/261/2021/CERC dated 7.6.2022
To facilitate nondiscriminatory open access to licensees or generating companies or consumers for use of inter-State transmission system through General Network Access and to consolidate the regulations on the subject
Regulations called as
Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Connectivity and General Network Access to the inter-State Transmission System) Regulations, 2022.
Nodal Agency
T-GNA for bilateral transactions- RLDC
T-GNA for collective transaction- NLDC
Operation of NOAR- NLDC
Grant of Connectivity
1. An Applicant, which is a generating station including REGS, shall apply for grant of Connectivity to the Nodal Agency for the quantum equal to the installed capacity of the generating station
2. If such an Applicant is a Renewable Hybrid Generating Station or REGS with storage, it may apply for grant of Connectivity for a quantum less than or equal to the installed capacity
3. A generating station or ESS, with prior approval of CTU, shall be eligible to add, within the quantum of Connectivity granted to it, additional generation capacity.
4. An Applicant, which is a captive generating plant, shall apply for grant of Connectivity for a quantum of its proposed maximum injection to ISTS
5. An Applicant, which is a standalone ESS, shall apply for grant of Connectivity for a quantum of its proposed maximum injection to ISTS or proposed maximum drawal from ISTS, whichever is higher
6. An Applicant, which is a Renewable Power Park Developer, shall apply for grant of Connectivity for the quantum for which it has been authorised by the Central Government or a State Government as a Renewable Power Park developer
7. The application for connectivity shall contain details such as, proposed geographical location and installed capacity of the applicant, quantum of power to be interchanged with ISTS and prefered point of connection to ISTS and such other details as may be laid down by the Central Transmission Utility.
Connectivity agreement
1. An entity which has been intimated the final grant of Connectivity, shall furnish technical connection data, inter alia, generator data for fault studies, dynamic simulation data, details of data and voice communication, to the Nodal Agency
2. The Nodal Agency shall intimate the connection details, inter alia, details of protection equipment, system recording, SCADA and communication equipment, within a period of one month from the date
3. Within 30 days of the intimation of connection details by the Nodal Agency Connectivity Agreement shall be signed between the Nodal Agency and the entity which has been intimated final grant of Connectivity of receipt of technical connection
Eligibilty for GNA
1. State Transmission Utility on behalf of intra-State entities including distribution licensees
2. A drawee entity connected to intra-State transmission system
3. A distribution licensee or a Bulk consumer, seeking to connect to ISTS, directly, with a load of 50 MW and above
4. Trading licensees engaged in cross border trade of electricity
5. Transmission licensee connected to ISTS for drawal of auxiliary power
Eligibilty for T-GNA
1. Distribution licensee directly connected to ISTS
2. Bulk consumer directly connected to ISTS
3. A buying entity connected to intra-State transmission system or to distribution system connected to such intra-state transmission system
4. Generating station including REGS for meeting its auxiliary consumption or start-up power or for meeting its supply obligations
5. Captive generating plant
6. Standalone ESS
7. REGS for drawal during non-generation hours
8. Trading licensee
9. Power exchange for collective transactions or bilateral transactions
National Open Access registry
1. Provide the audit trail of T-GNA applications
2. Provide an interface with the software of the RLDCs and SLDCs for processing T-GNA applications
3. Provide an interface with the Power Exchange(s) for validation of standing clearance and processing of intra-day, day ahead contingency, term-ahead, day-ahead and real time transactions
4. Provide a payment gateway for making payments related to T-GNA
5. Provide Dash Board facility with real time information to RLDCs and SLDCs and act as a repository of information related to T-GNA including standing clearance issued by RLDCs and SLDCs, availability of transmission corridor, pending applications, and T-GNA granted and rejected
6. Facilitate generation of periodic reports for market monitoring and surveillance
7. NLDC shall be responsible for developing and maintaining NOAR
Application for grant of T-GNA
Advance application for grant of T-GNA-
Application made on the (D) day for grant of T-GNA starting on or after the (D+3) day, which may fall either in the same month as the (D) day or in the subsequent
Exigency application for grant of T-GNA-
Application made on (D) day for grant of T-GNA with scheduling for (S) day, which may be (D) day or (D+1) day or (D+2) day, with a minimum start time of 7 (seven)
time blocks
Bilateral T-GNA
a. Details in Advance application category:
1. Quantum of T-GNA in MW
2. Start time of T-GNA in terms of time-block and date
3. End time of T-GNA in terms of time-block and date
4. Point of injection, if available, or in the absence of the point of injection, the target injection region
5. Point of drawal
6. Standing Clearance of SLDC under whose jurisdiction the point of drawal is located
b. Details in Exigency application category:
1. Contracted quantum of power (MW) to be scheduled at point of injection
2. Start time of T-GNA in terms of time-block and date
3. End time of T-GNA in terms of time-block and date
4. Point of injection
5. Point of drawal
6. Standing Clearance of SLDCs under whose jurisdiction the point of drawal and point of injection are located
Revision of T-GNA
1. T-GNA granted under Exigency application category or under Advance application category for a period not exceeding one month cannot be revised
2. T-GNA granted under Advance application category for a period of more than one month may be reduced for the balance period with a prior notice of one (1) month by the T-GNA grantee
Scheduling request for power under T-GNA
1. Advance application category:
a. Scheduling request by T-GNA grantees under Advance application category shall be made on day ahead basis before the opening of bidding window for collective transactions under day ahead market
b. In case the seller is an intra-State entity having point of injection under state control area, the scheduling request shall be accompanied by Standing Clearance
c. In case the seller is an regional entity having point of injection under regional control area, the point of injection shall be furnished
2. T-GNA granted under Exigency application category shall be considered as scheduled, which cannot be revised
Transmission charges for T-GNA
1. Transmission charge rate for T-GNA, in Rs./MW/time block, for a State shall be published for each month by the Implementing Agency
2. Transmission charges for T-GNA, in case of bilateral and collective transactions, shall be payable only at point of drawal, as per the last published Transmission charge rate for T-GNA for the State where such point of drawal is located
Allocation of transmission corridor
1. GNA grantee shall be eligible to schedule power within the GNA granted to it under any contract
2. T-GNA grantee under Advance application category, within the T-GNA granted to it, shall be eligible to schedule power under any contract
3. Once the day ahead schedule is finalised for the GNA grantees, schedule for T-GNA grantees under Advance application category of TGNA shall be finalised over the balance transmission corridor
4. After allocation of transmission corridor to GNA grantees and T-GNA grantees under Advance application category, the balance transmission corridor shall be released for collective transactions under day ahead market
5. After finalisation of collective transactions under day ahead market, Exigency applications for grant of T-GNA received till 1300 hrs of ‘S-1’
day or such time as specified in the Grid Code, shall be allocated the transmission corridor
6. After the allocation of transmission corridors the balance transmission corridor may be utilised by GNA grantee by way of revision of schedule under any contract within its GNA or under Exigency application category or Real time market based on time stamp for such request
1. Transactions under T-GNA shall be curtailed first followed by transactions under GNA
2. Within transactions under T-GNA, bilateral transactions shall be curtailed first followed by collective transactions under day ahead market followed by collective transactions under real time market
3. Within bilateral transactions under T-GNA, curtailment shall be on pro rata basis based on T-GNA
4. Within transactions under GNA, curtailment shall be on pro rata basis based on GNA
Corrigendum/ Amendment, if any
Corrigendum dated 18.06.2022
First Amendment dated 1.04.2023
CERC Connectivity and GNA Regulations, 2022 (1st Amendment)

Resolution by

Notification No. and date
No. L-1/261/2021/CERC dated 1.04.2023

No Amendment

Regulations called as
Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Connectivity and General Network Access to the inter-State Transmission System) (First Amendment) Regulations, 2023

Nodal Agency
No Amendment

Grant of Connectivity
3. A generating station or ESS, with prior approval of CTU, shall be eligible to add, within the quantum of Connectivity granted to it, additional generation capacity or ESS, including the capacity owned by any other entity. However, net injection at any point of time shall not exceed the quantum of total Connectivity granted to the existing Connectivity grantee.

Eligibilty for GNA
6. An injecting entity which is granted Connectivity to intra-State transmission system and seeking GNA for purpose of injection into ISTS

Eligibilty for T-GNA
No Amendment

National Open Access registry
No Amendment

Application for grant of T-GNA
No Amendment

Bilateral T-GNA
No Amendment

Revision of T-GNA
No Amendment

Scheduling request for power under T-GNA
No Amendment

Transmission charges for T-GNA
Explanation added to clause 34.2: In order to determine whether drawal schedule was more than GNA quantum or TGNA quantum or both in case of collective transaction, SLDC shall furnish to NLDC, each intra-state entity-wise detail of schedule under GNA or T-GNA, as the case may be. NLDC shall issue power exchange wise and entity-wise segregation of payable T-GNA charges.

Allocation of transmission corridor
No Amendment

No Amendment

Key words
General Network Access, T-GNA, NOAR, GNA grantee, Advanced application, exigency application